Rail System Model
A UIC standard model of the Railway System, free for any usage (under a EUPL 1.2 license). First released in 2016 as RailTopoModel 1.0, now available as RailSystemModel 1.2.
The present (unofficial, but authorized) website tells you more about backgrounds and evolutions.
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Enjoy the finished parts and please be patient.
UML models are not just there to decorate your office walls.
RSM is a … model
RSM is a conceptual model, where railway domain objects and their properties are singled out and come with precise semantics.
RSM can be represented by a codebase, equivalent to its “standard” UML definition. Choose your OO language and instantiate the model (e.g. using Sparx Enterprise Architect) to get it running!
…linked and federated…
RSM is an open model that can be used standalone, extended, or coupled. RSM provides the fundamental network features used by signalling in the EULYNX DataPrep model, and borrows geometry features from IFC.
More about this in Global Railway Review:
(under construction)
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